Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Understanding the Psychology of Logo Design

Some of us might not understand this phrase, but yes, there is also a psychology of logo design and this psychology of logo design is one of the most oversimplified factors involved in the creation of a logo. Some designers only think that the psychology of logo design only takes into consideration the choice of colors, but in reality it is much more than that. Logo design means the activity of creating a logo, whereas a logo is a symbol of recognition and identification. In the same way, the psychology of a logo design is actually the meaning or sense that is communicated by the logo design besides an identification and recognition.

It is important for every logo designer to understand the exact meaning of psychology in the logo design process. The word logo is derived from the Greek word “logos” that means “word”. So basically, when a designer creates a logo, he is actually creating a visual word that would be identified and used by people. When you understand the significance of psychology in the logo design process you will gain control of what this meaning is going to be. Strangely, people understand and interact with a logo design just like they do with a word or brand name of the business, i.e. with their own personal perspective. Personal perspectives are always led by cultural and personal experiences and views. This means that just like people of different levels of education and diverse mental abilities see different meanings for the same word, in the same way, they might even see different meanings for the same logo design as well.

The best approach for a logo designer is to think each part of the logo as an attribute and then try to reflect on what each attribute might mean and how people generally will understand and see it. It is important that the logo designer spends sufficient amount of time on the meaning and implication of these attributes so that he could literally control the understanding of people when reading the logo. There are two most central attributes that create meaning of a logo design; color and shape. The role of color in the logo design psychology is often misinterpreted. When you choose the right color for your logo design, you move one step forward in the meaning process, but it is also important to note here that different colors have different meanings and implications in different societies. So beware!

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